Sunday, 23 January 2011

codes and conventions of a political thriller

Political thrillers are thrillers where the main theme of the film is based around political reason. They  still include action and violent sequences but not to the same extent as action or crime thrillers. Another key aspect of political thrillers is the way that the victims involved are always being watched for a considerable amount of time before they are eventually killed. An example of a political thriller is the 'Constant Gardener'. It is a film based in Africa which shows how corrupt the political system is there.

Codes and conventions of the political thriller 'JFK'

'JFK' is an American political thriller made in 1991 which was directed by Oliver Stone. The film examines the events leading to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The film opens with newsreel footage, including the farewell address in 1961 of the previous President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

At the beginning of the film 'JFK' there is one quote then there are the credits of the company, production studios and actors. The transitions for the opening credits are fade to black. Some of the actor credits are placed against the short clips instead of a black screen.

The opening sequence involves a soundtrack of strong music combined with a voice over and lots of short clips of things such as political speakers, technology, families and everyday life. There are also short clips of casualties from wars which links all the short clips with politics and the effects of it.

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