Tuesday 1 February 2011

mise en scene: costume and location


For the main character in our production we are planning on using dark clothing e.g. long black coat, dark trousers and a dark shirt. We are using this type of clothing to give the character a scary, mysterious look in order to show the audience that he is a criminal/killer. With the other characters in our production we plan to use casual everyday clothes that a 17 year old teenager would wear to show a normal persons society and it also shows they're not expecting anything to happen to them. We are using black leather gloves to show that the person is a killer as the audience would typically link black leather gloves to  a killer as they will hide the finger prints from the police.

Picture 16Picture 15


We are using 2 locations in our open sequence. This will be a garage and a street. We are using the garage as the killers house this is because it is a dark place which shows the characters dark personality and creates a spooky feel to the opening. The garage shows that the killer doesnt have much money or many belongings seeing as he doesnt work. We are using the street as a comparison to the garage as a garage is not a normal place for a person to live in whereas a street is somewhere everyone goes down to get to their houses.

Picture 13
Picture 12

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